Tuesday 25 October 2011

DMA 205- FBF animation

This is the character I illustrated in Adobe Illustrator and it's called Polka Monster. I built each part sepwrately in Illustrator to make it easier when transferring into Flash. The character was first hand drawn in my sketchbook then I brought it onto the computer which made things a lot easier to get my ideas across. It was a lot of fun making the character even though it was very simple.
 These two images are the walk cycles of the character and the shadow of the character. This was a very fun, but was very tedious as the same time because it required a lot of changing of the characters movements. Issues I had at this step was the perfecting each movement, because it was annoying.
This is when I brought all the objects including the background elements into Flash. I saved each object seperately in Illustrator which made things simpler when they got transferred into Flash. Problems that I had when transferring the parts into Flash was that placing and positioning of the elements. Once the elements were placed it was onto the animation.
This image shows when I was having issues with right leg. The leg would get frozen in the animation when I tested it. So through many rounds of trial and error I finally got hte leg tranditions a little more smoother. Also I made the stage colour back to give the animation a spookier feeling.

This is the final animation screenshot this is after I fixed all the problems I was having while creating the animation. I added I red outline to the mountains moving in the background, and also I added a evil moon at the back giving it a more scary like essence.

This is the link to the animation:

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